Rife electrotherapy

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the
source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger,
who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe; is as good as dead:
his eyes are closed".
- Albert Einstein

All truth goes through three stages: first it is ridiculed: then it is violently opposed: finally it is accepted as self evident.
- Schopenhauer


These page are for informational use only. They exist to help you understand the strong relationships we believe exist between viral, bacterial, and parasitic components as they relate to much of today's disease.

Our devices, methods, and these pages are meant as a primmer to this technology, to give you the firsthand experience, (at absolute minimal cost), so that you may also personally verify that there IS something to this and similar technologies and then help guide you on to some of the other Rife and Rife "related" devices, (unfortunately more expensive), and methods available.

Due to the nature of this emerging field, no health or medicinal claims are made. No guarantees of ANY KIND are suggested. Use of this type of technology as a treatment should not be utilized as a substitute for competent medical care.

Our focus is to provide some basic guidelines for experimenters who may otherwise endanger themselves as they probe the possibilities of this emerging technology and whatever it may offer them. .

Though most "Rife-type" instruments are not approved by any federal agency in the USA, approved or not, we can offer no assurance that any such equipment or therapy, regardless of manufacture or author, is appropriate for any given condition, human or animal. Exactly what the risks are for experimenters may depend on the severity of the condition. We can only offer anecdotal evidence that suggests success may have been achieved at some point in the past using the same or similar devices.

It is our opinion that this is much safer than most experimental drugs, or therapies involving anything that is radioactive.

We have attempted to address some of these questions as seem to be most often put to us in the Rife Q&A area of the website Please bear in mind that a percentage of our audience are in countries where this device or similar instruments are not only legal, but actually approved for general use, by doctors and private therapists. A percentage of our audience are in countries where this type of experimentation is considered to be of no medical value, and where to suggest otherwise might be bending the rules, or even breaking the law. Therefore all offers are void where they are prohibited. Since we cannot hope to fully conform with the rules which are in conflict, we must insist that interested parties examine carefully what involvement if any that is permissible in their locality, to assure that any and all transactions, verbal or otherwise are not in violation

The way we have helped people heal themselves in the past has been with the
use of herbs, vitamins, minerals and homeopathic remedies. When you look at
these, what we have really been giving our patients is the energies of these

The metabolic activity of the cell is an expression of the dynamic
inter-relationship of bio-chemical and electrical reactions, many of which
are concerned with the liberation, interchange, or utilization of free body

The use of improper chemicals may set up a counter detrimental reaction that
may at times result in improper balance of the body chemistry and body
energies. Man is an electronic mechanism. The depletion of these body
energies causes weakness and death.

Since all matter is electrical in nature, and since in the final analysis,
all energy is radiant and electrical, then all protoplasm is a system of
generators, conduction lines and capacitors within the living cell -
producing and holding body electrical charges.

The chemical constitution of the body is definitely affected by the rays and
frequencies of electrical currents. In practice, we must use the correct
frequencies and electrical stimulations in the form of 'resonance' so the
body can balance its own energies and in affect, help the body to restore
its own health.

Stimulating the cells with pulsed electronic frequencies will increase
circulation. These frequencies 'resonate' and synchronise with the natural
energy of the cell, and the body itself becomes an actual part of the oxygen
generator. The stimulation of oxygen production in the body essentially aids
in the elimination of "metabolic toxic waste."

Electro-magnetic therapy has been used by doctors in Europe from around the
late 1930's. It's only during the past 9-10 years however, that medical and
scientific research has shown the importance of magnetic fields in the
balancing of activity at cellular level. The analgesic effect and the
promotion of healing damaged tissue makes this non-invasive and drug-free
treatment worthy of consideration.

The electro-magnetic field penetrates everything in the universe. This field
expands and condenses. Humans have a natural magnetic field under the
surface of their skin. Every organ in our body is connected electrically
with electrolytes and our cells are the capacitors. The continuous metabolic
pumping across the cell membranes causes a positive charge into the organ
and in turn, the negative ions are absorbed. When the body's energies are
low, e.g. during an illness, the cells can act as leaking capacitors. When
oxygen is deprived from a cell, their electron charge becomes positive and
this can lead to the pleomorphic effect that results in cancer cells.

Early pioneers in this technologically advancing field, such as Dr Albert
Abrams, Royal Raymond Rife and George Lakhovsky, created a variety of
microscopes, electrical oscillators and pulsed frequency generators - all
based on the "Resonance Theory". In brief they believed that every cell in
the human body has its own resonant frequency. Also, that each kind of cell
has a specific frequency of interaction with the electro-magnetic spectrum
and that an electro-magnetic 'pulsed' frequency would have a negative effect
on bacterial forms, viruses, fungi and cancer cells.

Unfortunately, with the politics of the time, the medical profession did not
support this work and therefore these pioneering discoveries were mostly
forgotten or ignored. Subsequently this unfinished work has lead to much
confusion centering around the understanding of the differences between
pulsed repetition rates and the use of frequencies.

Rife's theories are now being re-explored and other features are being
incorporated as our understanding of this type of technology grows. Radio
frequency (RF) carrier signals are being used to produce a 'square wave'
which is emitted as an audio signal. Square Wave generators, by definition,
will produce a wave containing an infinite number of odd harmonics.

Although Rife lowered his power levels from 500 watts down to 50 watts, what
he didn't know is that the real secret was to go even lower, whilst still
maintaining the harmonic content. Unfortunately, he did not have the
electronics available to him at that time to experiment in that area.

It is the tones of these harmonics which act as resonators to the cells. The
cells come into sympathetic vibrations - 'resonance' - with one another. The
essence of this theory is that the electro-magnetic energy penetrating the
body is 'pulsing' as the energy oscillates over a variety of frequencies.

Viruses, bacteria, fungi and cancerous cells become very unstable when
subjected to these pulsed electro-magnetic energies. The signals penetrate
through the protein coating of a virus which are destroyed by the vibrating
current. The viruses 'shatter' and are not able to reassemble or attack
other cells.

Numerous different types of electro-magnetic therapy units developed over
recent years are beneficial in the treatment of chronic disease and related
conditions including cancer.

Along with exercise, good food, and lots of water, the therapy of square-wave generators is rapidly becoming routine. Similar instruments were originally designed by Royal R. Rife, also known as "Rife Frequency Generators", "Frequency Instruments", or "Rife Instruments". Royal R. Rife, inventor of the Frequency Instrument, was somewhat of a heretic in his day, but his ideas are being rediscovered by millions today via the Internet. People across the globe are using instruments based on his original concepts if not his specific designs. For more than 60 years the use of resonant square-wave and frequency therapy has been used to help the body overcome disease and injury. It may stimulate the immune system. It may relieve pain. It is said to remove parasites and microbes of all kinds. It is even said to cure cancer. We cannot say if it does these things or not. (See Disclaimer.) But it does seem like it can do all these things and much more. Obviously, if you are sick, you need to see a doctor, and should not rely solely on something like this. It is not a substitute for proper medical care and diagnosis. But in most countries and most states of the US, if you have a terminal disease, you have the right to experiment with virtually anything you want. For the rich and famous, there is no compromise. These fortunate few do not concern themselves with the implications and fine points of political correctness when it comes to their health. They just want to use what works. Regular sessions with resonant square-wave devices are becoming common in countries throughout the world. The results they report are very consistent. Although we think we know what it is about this noninvasive activity that appears to give benefits, it is still not legally and scientifically proven in the USA.

Rife & the Cancer Virus

In 1920 Royal Rife identified the human cancer virus using the worlds most powerful microscope (which he created), cultured the virus (on salted pork, the best growing medium), and injected it into rats. These injections caused cancer in every one of the rats (all 400 of them).

Later he was able to find a frequency of electromagnetic energy that would cause the cancer virus to self destruct when within that energy field. He created a device that emitted that energy field and was successful at destroying cancer viruses inside patients who were within close proximity of his device.

In 1934, the University of Southern California appointed a Special Medical Research Committee which brought 16 terminal cancer patients from Pasadena County Hospital to Rife's San Diego Laboratory and clinic for treatment. This team included doctors and pathologists assigned to examine the patients, if still alive, in 90 days. After the 3 months of treatment, the Committee concluded that 14 of the patients had been completely cured. The treatment was then adjusted and the remaining 2 also were cured within the next 4 weeks.

On November 20, 1931, forty-four of the nation's most respected medical authorities honored Royal Rife with a banquet billed as "The End To All Diseases" at the Pasadena estate of Dr. Milbank Johnson.

By 1939, almost all of these distinguished doctors and scientists were denying that they had ever met Rife. This complete reversal was the result of pressure from the drug companies on them. 'Pressure' is a very nice way of saying it. On the eve of a press conference to announce the results of the 1934 study on Rife's cancer therapy, Dr. Milbank Johnson, former president of the Southern California AMA, was fatally poisoned and his papers "lost". Also, after a failed attempt by Morris Fishbein to buy the rights to Rife's healing instrument for the medical drug industry, Rife's labs were destroyed by arson and sabotage. Dr. Nemes, who had duplicated some of the work of Rife, was killed in a mysterious fire which destroyed all his research papers. A similar fire also destroyed the Burnett Lab, which was validating Rife's work. Royal Rife himself was killed in 1971 by an "accidental" lethal dose of Valium and alcohol at Grossmont Hospital.

Participating in the original 1934 USC study were the following people: Director of the Northwestern Medical School Arthur Kendall, president of USC Rufus Klein-Schmidt, Milbank Johnson, Edward Kopps of the Metabolic Clinic in La Jolla, George Fischer of the NY Childrens Hospital, Kurt Meyer of the Hooper Foundation in San Francisco, and the Chief Surgeon of Santa Fe Railway Whalen Morrison.

Dr. Milbank Johnson, who was the professor of Physiology and Clinical Medicine at USC, and chairman of the Special Medical Research Committee, operated his own cancer clinic utilizing the Rife therapy for 10 years. He was able to document many cases of cancer reversal there.

By the late 1950's even independent doctors and labs (among them New York's Presbyterian Hospital) - unaware of Rife's work, were bringing forth their own proof that cancer was an infectious viral disease, and maintained that "cancer did not consist of a localized tumor alone." They described it as a generalized disease caused by an organism in the blood. It could be that all of us have that virus and that it doesn't create tumors except when there's enough toxicity due to chemical exposure, unhealthy habits, or poorly oxygenated blood. Microbes exist to bring back to the earth that which is weakened. It is necessary to detox and live a healthy lifestyle as well as remove the virus that can turn cells cancerous.