Yellow Dock Root 160 mg
Proprietary Blend: 640 mg

Bupleurum Root, Echinacea Root Extract, Echinacea Root, Gentian Root, Myrrh Gum, Oregon Grape Root, Poria Cocos Sclerotium, Wild Yam Root, Wild Yam Root Extract and Marshmallow Root.

Planetary Formulas Yellow Dock Skin Cleanse combines the primary botanicals from both Western and Chinese herbal traditions that have been used for centuries to enhance the eliminative processes of the skin. Together, these botanicals help facilitate this process, forming one of the finest herbal cleansers available from two continents.
Suggested Use: Two tablets three times daily, between meals, or as recommended by your health care professional.
Lifestyle Recommendations: Occasional skin brushing, saunas and clay packs are helpful for assisting elimination through the skin. Other Planetary Formulas products that support cleansing include: Red Clover Cleanser™ and Pau d’Arco Deep Cleansing™.

PF0012 60 tabs • PF0113 120 tabs
60Tablets, Wholesale: $16.04 Suggested Recommended Retail: $23.95