Saliva pH Test




"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."
- Thomas Edison

"The first thought of any doctor who treats any kind of disease should be, what is the pH of this patient?"
- Dr. Carson E. Pierce

Calcium deficiency is the universal property of all cancer cells. -  The Role of Calcium in Biological Systems, Volume I, CRC Press Inc. 1985.

The use of caustics was proven to have provided a permanent cure (for cancer tumors) in many cases. -  Health and Longevity, Joseph G. Richardson, M.D, 1909, University of Pennsylvania. Caustics are strongly alkaline substances.

Vitamin D is necessary for calcium absorption.

All men will develop prostate cancer if they live long enough and lack of vitamin D may be the most likely cause. - Cancer Causes & Control 9: 6 (DEC 1998):567-582

Vitamin D deficiency is common in winter. Your best sources of vitamin D are diet and sunlight.

Any amount of vitamin D intake under 800 IU is not enough to prevent vitamin D deficiency. - Eur J Clin Nutr 01;55(12):1091-7

Dr. Jonathan Wright's
recommendations for vitamin D intake: Between 1600 and 2000 IUs
daily, and as much as 4000 IUs for those over 40. Sunlight on the skin can produce 10,000 units of vitamin D daily.

Vitamin D prevents the buildup of calcium deposits in arteries.

A study examining breast cancer rates in 35 countries found that consumption of animal products increases breast cancer risk and sunlight lowers breast cancer risk. Between them, diet and exposure to sunlight explained 80% of national differences in breast cancer rates. 

Lack of vitamin D is associated with 17 different cancers.

Excess salt or too much sugar in your diet causes the body to excrete calcium. Many "prepared foods" contain too much salt or sugar.



"All truth goes through three stages:
First it is ridiculed.
Then it is violently opposed.
Finally it is accepted as self evident." -

Carl J. Reich, M.D. found many diseases that are associated with acidosis and chronic calcium deficiency:
heart disease
some allergies
chronic myositis
heart spasms

 Supplementing the diet with strontium (in addition to calcium and vitamin D) results in a substantial increase in bone mass density over time. 

There is new research showing that a sugar called xylitol can significantly improve oral health, improve calcium absorption, increase bone density and remineralize tooth enamel. Xylitol also helps prevent or eliminate gum disease, cavities, tooth loss, asthma, inner ear infections, chronic throat and sinus conditions, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease. Xylitol has only 2.4 calories per gram, compared to 4 calories per gram for sucrose sugar. Xylitol is digested slowly, making it easier on your pancreas and useful for diabetics. You can purchase xylitol in five pound bags and use it in cooking and for all purposes you would ordinarily use sugar. Due to the health benefits from consuming xylitol, we suggest that it is a good substitute for ordinary sugar.

The herb stevia is the best no-calorie sweetener. Available in health food stores.

Sugar feeds cancer.

Help increase your bone density:
- exercise
- calcium
- magnesium
- manganese
- strontium (680 mg daily)
- boron (3 mg daily)
- organic silica
- vitamin D (4000 to 6000 IU daily)
- sunshine daily
- monosodium phosphate
- B vitamins
 - vitamin K
- omega 3 fatty acid
- digestive enzymes
- betaine hydrochloride
- green tea (2 cups daily)
- substitute xylitol for sugar in your diet
- natural progesterone skin cream made from Mexican wild yam extract
- stop eating the strongly acid foods.


A simple test you can do to measure your susceptibility to cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, and many other degenerative diseases.

How to Do the Saliva pH Test

Wait at least 2 hours after eating. Fill your mouth with saliva and then swallow it. Do this again to help ensure that the saliva is clean. Then the third time, put some saliva onto pH paper.

The pH paper should turn blue. This indicates that your saliva is slightly alkaline at a healthy pH of 7.4. If it is not blue, compare the color with the chart that comes with the pH paper. If your saliva is acid (below pH of 7.0) wait two hours and repeat the test.

Where to Get pH Paper

It would be good if health food stores and pharmacies would stock pH paper. Why not go to your local health food store or pharmacy and suggest this to them? There are many suppliers of pH paper. Look for laboratory suppliers in the phone book. You want narrow range pH paper measuring pH 4.5 to 7.5 or pH 4.5 to 8.5. One source is Micro Essential Laboratory Inc., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11210 telephone 718-338-3618. They will send you a catalogue. When sending a container of pH paper through the mail to a friend, a single roll dispenser (catalog #334 that measures pH 4.5 - 7.5) is quite sturdy and should not break. However, the Jumbo strips (catalog #3827) in the more fragile plastic tube container are larger and easier to read. These pH strips to measure acid/alkaline balance belong in every family medicine kit, right beside the thermometer to measure body temperature.

Saliva pH and Cancer

"When healthy, the pH of blood is 7.4, the pH of spinal fluid is 7.4, and the pH of saliva is 7.4. Thus the pH of saliva parallels the extra cellular fluid...pH test of saliva represents the most consistent and most definitive physical sign of the ionic calcium deficiency syndrome...The pH of the non-deficient and healthy person is in the 7.5 (dark blue) to 7.1 (blue) slightly alkaline range. The range from 6.5 (blue-green) which is weakly acidic to 4.5 (light yellow) which is strongly acidic represents states from mildly deficient to strongly deficient, respectively. Most children are dark blue, a pH of 7.5. Over half of adults are green-yellow, a pH of 6.5 or lower, reflecting the calcium deficiency of aging and lifestyle defects. Cancer patients are usually a bright yellow, a pH of 4.5, especially when terminal." The Calcium Factor: The Scientific Secret of Health and Youth, by Robert R. Barefoot and Carl J. Reich, M.D., Gilliland Printing Inc., Arkansas City, Kansas, 1996.

The Importance of Acid and Alkaline Balance for Health

Virtually all degenerative diseases including cancer, heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, kidney and gall stones, and tooth decay are associated with excess acidity in the body. While the body has a homeostatic mechanism that maintains a constant pH 7.4 in the blood, this mechanism works by depositing and withdrawing acid and alkaline minerals from other locations including the bones, soft tissues, body fluids and saliva. Therefore, the pH of these other tissues can fluctuate greatly. The pH of saliva offers a window through which you can see the overall pH balance in your body.

Cancer cannot exist in an alkaline environment. All forms of arthritis are associated with excess acidity. Acid in the body dissolves both teeth and bones. Whatever health situation you are faced with, you can monitor your progress toward a proper acid/alkaline balance by testing your saliva pH.

What are Acid and Alkaline?

Water (H2O) ionizes into hydrogen (H+) and hydroxyl (OH-) ions. When these ions are in equal proportions, the pH is a neutral 7. When there are more H+ ions than OH- ions then the water is said to be acid. If OH- ions outnumber the H+ ions then the water is alkaline. The pH scale goes from 0 to 14 and is logarithmic, which means that each step is ten times the previous. In other words, a pH of 4.5 is 10 times more acid than 5.5, 100 times more acid than 6.5 and 1,000 times more acid than 7.5.

Acid and Alkaline Minerals and Foods

Minerals with a negative electrical charge are attracted to the H+ ion. These are called acid minerals. Acid minerals include: chlorine (Cl-), sulfur (S-), phosphorus (P-), and they form hydrochloric acid (HCl), sulfuric acid (H2SO4), and phosphoric acid (H3PO4). Minerals with a positive electrical charge are attracted to the negatively charged OH- ion. These are called alkaline minerals. Nutritionally important alkaline minerals include calcium (Ca+), potassium (K+), magnesium (Mg+), and sodium (Na+). (Cancer patients tend to have an excess of sodium. - Gerson page 97). Also important for cancer treatment and prevention are the alkaline trace minerals rubidium and cesium. To determine if a food is acid or alkaline, it is burned and the ash is mixed with water. If the solution is acid or alkaline then the food is called acid or alkaline. Ash is the mineral content of the food.

Six Ways to Restore Acid/Alkaline Balance in Your Body

If your saliva is too acid you may wish to increase the alkalinity of your body. Ways to do this include:

1. Eat mostly alkaline foods. The general "rule of thumb" is to eat 20% acid foods and 80% alkaline foods. Avoid the "strongly acid" foods.

Strongly Acid

Mild Acid

Mild Alkaline

Strongly Alkaline













soft drinks




2. Supplement your diet with alkaline minerals. Salts of the alkaline minerals cesium, rubidium and potassium have been found by Dr. Brewer to be particularly effective in fighting cancer. Dr. Gerson (page 246) gave his patients a 10% potassium solution. Potassium tablets are commonly available. Potassium salt (potassium chloride - KCl) is often found in grocery stores as a "salt substitute".  Potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3) can be used as a substitute for sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) when baking. Many people take calcium and vitamin D daily in order to help prevent osteoporosis. Flavoured chewable calcium / magnesium / vitamin D tablets are pleasant to eat. Take a vitamin C tablet with your calcium to help the calcium dissolve.

It is well known that calcium needs vitamin D in order to be absorbed by the body so most calcium supplements contain vitamin D. What is not generally known is bones are a complex matrix of many different minerals and if all the required minerals are not present then strong bones cannot be built. There are at least 18 key bone-building nutrients essential for optimum bone health. The implication is that it is easier to destroy bone through excess acidity in the body than it is to rebuild bone. Furthermore, as farm soils become depleted of many trace minerals the foods grown on these soils contain less and less of the required nutrients. At last count, the human body requires 90 different nutrients for optimum health, and the list is growing year by year. A good nutritional supplement is no longer optional. 

If you do not eat dairy products, you can get calcium from cooked greens (collards especially), molasses, sesame seeds, broccoli, and tofu. If you are worried about getting enough calcium, take a supplement. A reasonable dose of supplemental calcium is 1,000-1,500 milligrams a day. Take two thirds of this at bedtime (your body will use it best then) and one third in the morning. It is good to know that supplemental calcium is not harmful, since so many people are taking it today.

Magnesium complements calcium in the same way that potassium complements sodium. Calcium and magnesium in balance are needed for proper conduction of electrical impulses in nerves and muscles. Taken together, calcium and magnesium are mild neuromuscular relaxants and may help promote sleep at bedtime, especially if muscle tension contributes to wakefulness. -


A problem with dairy products is that they contain so little magnesium. This is one reason why dairy products do not build healthy bones. Your best dietary source of magnesium is green leafy vegetables, because plants use magnesium to make chlorophyll. Some plants such as collards, broccoli, romaine lettuce, bok choy, and kale contain an abundance of both magnesium and calcium.


Almonds are a particularly good source of calcium, magnesium and vitamin E. Almond milk is sometimes used as a substitute for cows milk. Almonds, cashews and filberts (hazelnuts) are the most nutritious nuts. Edgar Cayce frequently recommended these three nuts for many health conditions.


Magnesium hydroxide - Mg(OH)2 - also known as "milk of magnesia" is a good source of both magnesium and oxygen. As a side benefit, it helps clean out your colon and intestines. The friendly intestinal bacteria are aerobic and need oxygen. Plus, oxygen helps remove impacted fecal material. Magnesium hydroxide is not a stimulant like common laxatives, and is not habit-forming. However, you may experience a cleansing reaction from the colon for a few days after you start taking magnesium hydroxide, until the colon becomes aerobic and the population of lactobacilli has been restored.


After nine months, women on magnesium supplements increased bone density by about 11%. - Journal of Nutritional Medicine, 1991; 2:165-178.

3. Supplement your diet with freshly made fruit and vegetable juices. As a treatment for cancer, some doctors recommend one 8 oz glass per hour for every waking  hour of the day. We could never eat the amount of nutrition we drink with these juices. Drink alkaline water.

5. Unhealthy intestinal bacteria and yeasts excrete lactic acid and other organic acids that are absorbed by the body and turn the blood acidic. This situation is often associated with inflamed and swollen intestines that are less able to absorb nutrients. People who are unable to alkalize their body using steps one to four above may be helped by the Specific Carbohydrate Diet that denies unhealthy intestinal flora and fauna the undigested carbohydrates that they eat.

The Specific Carbohydrate Diet is explained in the book Breaking the Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottschall.

6. Populations of bacteria, fungi, etc. may be thriving throughout your body without causing acute disease, yet producing copious acid waste products. These stealth infections may underlie a variety of degenerative conditions. Bacteria are found in arthritic joints, arterial plaque, and many other places. Reducing these populations by strengthening your immune system, hyperthermia, exercise, meditation, electro-medicine and other means can help alkalize your body and free up immune system resources to fight cancer.

Quotes and Recommended Reading

"For instance, the salivary amylase ( ptyalin ) or starch-splitting enzyme of the mouth is active only in an alkaline media and is destroyed by a mild acid." -

"Carbohydrates require an alkaline environment for best enzymatic action. A good alkaline environment is the mouth." - Enzymes & Enzyme Therapy, Anthony J. Chichoke, D.C., Keats Publishing, Inc., New Canaan, Connecticut, 1994, page 17.

"Clinical research by Dr M T Morter (Arkansas, USA) has shown that if the anabolic urinary and salivary pH (measured immediately upon awakening) is below 6.8, we can be relatively certain that digestive support must be provided. Controlled clinical studies by Dr Paul Yanick (Pasadena, USA) have confirmed Dr Morter's findings and recorded that intracellular assimilation of nutrients is significantly decreased when the anabolic pH is below 6.8. However as both these researchers have shown, supplementing the diet with appropriate alkalizing agents was highly beneficial in elevating the systemic pH by replenishing the alkaline mineral and enzyme reserves." - Dr. Peter  Bartlett, Using pH as a Measure of Digestive Physiology. Available on the Internet at

"Low cancer areas were far more frequent in the sun belt. What was the significance of sunlight with regard to cancer rates? Sunlight reacts with cholesterol inside and on the surface of the skin to create vitamin-D. Vitamin-D helps the body absorb calcium and plays a major role in the body’s ability to use the calcium that is available," The Calcium Connection, Dr. Cedric Garland and Dr. Frank Garland, 1989, Forside, Simon and Shuster Inc.

"There are many research studies which allude to the fact that high phosphorus and/or phosphoric acid (found in meat and soft drinks) pulls calcium out of the bony structures (bones, teeth and nails) in the process of digestion and assimilation. This has a disastrous effect on bone density, leaving them porous and spongy. When calcium is pulled from the bones, it is released through the kidneys, resulting in stone formation (kidney stones) before it is excreted," The Greenleaves of Barley, Dr. Mary Ruth Swope, 1987, Swope Enterprises Inc., P.O. Box 62104, Phoenix, AZ 85082-2104 telephone 1-800-447-9772.

"When you drink alkaline water, you are drinking water with excess oxygen, not in the form of O2, but in the form of OH- which is very stable because it is mated with positively ionized alkaline minerals. Two of these hydroxyl ions can form a water molecule (H2O) and give out one oxygen atom. The alkaline mineral is used to detoxify poisonous acid compounds and when that happens the hydroxyl ion is freed to supply excess oxygen to the cells to prevent the development of cancer," Reverse Aging, Sang Whang, 1990, Siloam Enterprise, Inc., 560 Sylvan Ave., Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632, page 51.

"The human body functions best when our blood is slightly alkaline. We make acid as a natural by-product of metabolism, but we make no alkaline. We must therefore get alkalinizing minerals from our diets." - Cancer Battle Plan Sourcebook, Dr. Dave Frahm, 2000, Penguin Putnam Inc., New York, page 147.

"The fall in carbon dioxide output (during practice of TM) has another effect: that of causing a tendency for the reaction of the blood to change from acidity towards alkalinity. This has in turn widespread effects upon the chemistry of the blood, all of which are beneficial to the entire system," Science of Being and Art of Living, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 1967, International SRM Publications, page 197.

"Any stressor that the mind or body interprets and internalizes as too much to deal with, leaves an acid residue. Even a mild stressor can cause a partial or total acid-forming reaction," Alkalize or Die, Dr. Theodore A. Baroody, Jr., 1993, Eclectic Press, Waynesville, NC 28786, page 157.

"Adjusting a cancer victim's pH is an absolute must at the start of any treatment, whether orthodox or wholistic (non-toxic). I consider it a gross oversight that this major modality has been ignored for so long. Could it have been overlooked because the cost is only about five cents a day?" What I Would Do If I Had Cancer Again, Carson E. Pierce, N.D., 1996, page 89.

Eight Steps to Beating Cancer

The simple saliva pH test you have just learned can help ensure long life and perfect health for you and your family. Be sure to obtain some pH paper and always have it on hand so you can check your saliva pH from time to time. Teach your children how to do this test. Share this information with your friends. Later in this web site we will examine another test using a device called a "refractometer". The refractometer provides a simple way to measure the nutritional value of food. Would you believe that sick food creates sick people? More on this later.





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