Liver Cancer Cause

There is no such a thing as a single cause of any health problem. We can only talk about cofactors, causative agents and life situations that like pieces of puzzle interact with each other, and together promote a chain of events ending with a named set of symptoms and health problems & with Liver Cancer.

All disorders and health problems that happen to humans are multidimensional, because we, humans are multidimensional.
Modern medical science is manly interested in physical and tangible world. It blames too many problems on bad genes, bad viruses, bad bacteria, ...

Genes are always a factor of our health, but that is the only factor we can't do anything about. Genes only represent our predisposition & potential to encounter certain problem or disease. It is our life and our lifestyle as whole that makes the final decision on whether we are going to experience certain problem or not. The truth is, no illness and no disorder or any health problem is caused by a single factor!
There are virtually hundreds of cofactors / hundreds of causative agents that each have casual relationship to poor immunity, poor health, accumulation of toxins inside body, poor thoughts, and that promotes illness!
Pregnancy: Many people were predisposed to certain illness before they were even born. Fetus can be affected by diet and lifestyle of parents, toxins that parents were exposed to, illness and organ damage that parents experienced, as well as the lack of essential nutrients needed for healthy development during pregnancy. Vaccinations, medications, drugs, narcotics, and other toxins that parents and grandparents were exposed to, before conception and during pregnancy can also seriously affect fetus and the health of a newborn child.

Birth Trauma: The process of labor can cause trauma, which can seriously affect baby both early in life and later in life. Child is twice as likely to suffer serious damage if labor lasts longer then 13hrs.

Birth Defects: If child is borne with a certain disorder or illness, then look for the causative agents and causes in parents. It can be: lifestyle, environment, vaccination, toxins, stress & unpleasant life experiences, poor diet ....

Childhood: In case of any health problems encountered during early childhood, most common causative agents and causative cofactors are: birth trauma, exposure to medications, vaccination, toxins, child was fed with artificial milk, intolerance or allergy to mother's milk, toxic environment, toxins present in air or food and water that mother is consuming.

Health problems encountered later in life: most common cofactors and causative agents affecting health of a modern man are: medications, birth trauma, vaccination, toxins, stress & unpleasant life experiences, poor mental health, poor attitude, poor lifestyle, poor diet, exposure to certain viruses, bacteria, yeast, parasitic animals.

That doesn't mean that every single person is exposed to the same causative agents. Different people can be diagnosed with the same illness, but still have the entirely different set of cofactors causing that same illness. Every person is different! Every individual lives different life!

Beware that we are only able to recognize the "largest" and most common pieces of this "puzzle" called "the cause of illness", while some "smaller pieces" are often unrecognizable.
Our body, our mind, our soul and our spirit are one with our environment. Anything that disturbs balance inside our body, mind, soul and spirit, or our relationship with the environment may promote an illness.

Common underlying causative agents of almost every illness of modern man are:

birth trauma: during difficult or prolonged birth, physical trauma may result in fine tearing of the tissues inside baby's abdomen. Birth trauma may also result in misalignments of the cranial bones, misalignment of the spinal bones and misalignment of the hip bones, causing pain and digestion problems during the first months of baby's life. Those problems may affect baby's health immediately or later, affecting digestion, elimination, immunity, endocrine system, concentration, learning ability.
In 98 out of 100 kids, symptoms of birth trauma are not recognized or diagnosed, leading to a common childhood illness and commonly treatment with antibiotics or other medications. Exposure to medications early in baby's life is sure factor that will contribute to almost every illness later in life. Many of the problems caused by birth trauma can be corrected by visiting experienced osteopath or experienced manual therapist specialized for treating babies.
exposure to toxins, vaccination, medications and lack of body contact. Exposure to toxins, medications or vaccination during the first few weeks or first few months of baby's life may contribute and may cause serious health problems in childhood and later in life.
One out of 100 non-vaccinated people may develop cancer later in life, while one out of 4 or 5 vaccinated will develop cancer later in life.
One out of 100 non-vaccinated people may develop arthritis later in life, while one out of 5 vaccinated will develop arthritis later in life.
One out of 15.000 non-vaccinated kids may develop autism, while one out of 150 vaccinated will develop autism. References
Those statistics show how much we are affected by the miracle of vaccination.

poor dietary choices and nutritional deficiency - diet rich in processed foods and deficient on essential nutrients is affecting biochemical processes inside our cells. It is also affecting digestion and preventing internal natural detoxification ... read Foods That Kill page!
mental attitude, stress, suppression, negative thoughts, fear, lack of love, lack joy, lack desire to live.
Lack of: physical activity, sweating, moving, sex, laugh...
Combination of those factors is the underlying cause of almost every illness, because those are the factors that are causing congestion of the ducts and vessels of circulation and elimination, such as the bile ducts of the liver, the digestive tract, the blood and lymph vessels, the urinary tract, the meridians (Chi ducts) and the hormonal pathways (endocrine system).

Congestion of the ducts and vessels of circulation and elimination includes:

Obstruction of the bile ducts inside liver by hundreds and thousands of intrahepatic stones -- the main cause of almost every chronic illness
Thickening of blood vessel walls (capillaries and arteries) with excessive protein, leading to chronic health problems such as heart disease, strokes, diabetes, brain disorders, arthritis, cancers, etc.
Waste accumulation in the gastro-intestinal tract, affecting the health of every cell in the body, and indicated in almost every disorder and emotional/spiritual problem
Lymphatic congestion, also indicated in every health problem, including weight gain, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's, hormonal issues, reproductive disorders, etc.
Energetic blocks in the body's meridian network and chakra system, affecting all organs and system in the body
Whenever congestion & toxemia exceeds one's capacity to handle it, you will definitely have a disease.

What kind of illness you may develop depends on:

the type of vaccines, medications, trauma & toxins you were exposed to.
level of liver damage caused by the exposure to toxins & medications
the type of parasites, virus, yeast or bacteria that may live inside of you
your total diapason and intensity of the nutritional imbalance
your genetic material (inherited strength of your body - your constitution)
your blood type (A,B,AB,O)
your inherent capacity to handle different toxins
your inherent capacity to handle different lack of essential nutrients
your psychological and mental strength
your age & gender
your thoughts (your psychological and mental make up)
your environment and exposure to environmental stressors like radiation
lack of love and touch
professional injuries
eventual past and present injuries and infections
Congestion and toxemia may cause or may be followed by:

Formation of Intrahepatic Stones, Gallstones, poor liver function, poor bowel function
Poor digestion - Incomplete digestion may cause poor absorption of essential nutrients,
and poorly digested food may contain toxic substances that our intestines absorb into our blood, lymph and tissues.
Infection by internal parasitic animas - PARASITES (protozoa, amoebae, worms,..)
Infection by parasitic yeasts, viruses bacteria
Overuse of medical drugs
Others (every person has different set of cofactors)
By applying the most basic guidelines of cleansing the entire body, eating nutritiously and living in harmony with nature's laws, you can take complete charge of your health.
On this page, you have the opportunity to find out how!

Liver cleanse - Gallbladder cleanse - Liver flush


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