Has B17 been tested by Modern Medicine?

" Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud…"
- Linus Pauling PhD (1901-1994) Two times Nobel Prize winner.


Has B17 been tested by Modern Medicine?

The answer simply is YES. It only stands for logic and reason that the FDA and other cancer organizations at least attempt to investigate the claims that laetrile makes. There have been many tests over the last 30 years conducted on laetrile. This section will concentrate on a major 5 year study which was undertaken by America's number one Cancer Research department called Sloan Memmorial Ketering Cancer Reasearch (SMKR) Center in New York.

In 1972 the SMKR commissioned their top senior cancer researcher to conduct tests over a 5 year period between 1972 and 1977and finally put an end to this laetrile quakery. They asked Dr Kanematsu Sugiura, their most senior researcher with over 60 years experience in cancer research and who had been under their employment since 1917 and totally dedicated to cancer research.

Dr Kanematsu Sugiura's work was trusted and his honesty and integrity was admired and unquestioned by all. Hundreds of Segiura's research papers were published. Dr Chester Stock, the Head of Sloan Kettering's laboratory-testing division even wrote:

"Few if any names in cancer research are as widely known as Kanematsu Segiura's....Possibly the highest regard in which his work is held is best characterised by a comment made to me by a visiting investigator in cancer research from Russia. He said "when Segiura publishes, we know we do not have to repeat the study, for we would obtain the same results he has reported"'.

At the conclusion of the trials, on June 15, 1977 the SMKCR released a press statement. Over 100 reporters and half a dozen film crews from the leading television stations had been assembled to hear the long awaited official verdict on laetrile from the worlds most prestigious cancer research centre. On the Dais were physicians with impeccable credentials. Dr Robert Good began to speak. After general remarks condemning laetrile and its use, he passed the microphone to Dr Stock. The same Doctor Chester Stock who had praised Segiura's work took the microphone and began describing the finer details of the testing. As his voice droned on... it was evident all eyes were on Dr Sugiura but he was not given the opportunity to speak.

The press release said,

"...laetrile was found to possess neither preventative, nor tumor-regressent, nor anti-metastatic, nor curative anticancer activity."

So that is it then, right? It does not get more adamant than that, we can close the book on Laetrile. Unfortunately for the boss' at Sloan Kettering there was a large fly in the ointment. When suddenly a journalist shouted

"Dr. Kenamatsu Sugiura" ;

"Do you stick by your belief that laetrile stops the spread of cancer?
He replied; "I stick."

Those two words must have been like knives to the accumulated demi-gods on the dais. The reason being is that Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura was the pre-eminent cancer researcher in America, probably the world, at this time. Dr. Sugiura had been researching cancer since 1911. It looked as if this quiet, highly respected researcher would slip quietly into anonymity. About ten years later, in the fall of 1972 he was asked by Sloan-Kettering to test Laetrile. Dr. Sugiura agreed. As Ralph Moss says in "The Cancer Industry";

"Because he had merely done what he was told and recorded what he saw, he lived to see old friends desert and berate him, a close relative fail to support him, and former colleagues derisively question his sanity and competence."

When asked "Why are they so much against it"? Dr Suigara answered "I don't know. Maybe the medical profession doesn't like it because they are making too much money."

Dr. Sugiura said, "The most interesting part is metastases. Secondary cancer growth to another location. When this mammary tumor grows to about two centimetres in diameter or more, about 80% develop lung metastases. But with treatment with laetrile/amygdalin, it's cut down to about 20%."

They didn't like it. Sugiura had to be proven wrong. But other researchers had obtained essentially the same positive results. Dr. Lloyd Schloen a biochemist at Sloan-Kettering had included proteolytic enzymes to his injections and reported 100% cure rate among his albino mice. This data had to be buried. They then then changed the protocols of the tests and amounts of Laetrile to make certain that they failed. Guess what, they failed, and that is what they reported.

The Conclusions of Sugiura's work were these:

1. Laetrile inhibited the growth of tumors
2. It stopped the spreading (metastasising) of cancer in mice
3. It relieved pain
4. It acted as a cancer preventative
5. It improved general health

Dr. Sugiura, with great courage, refused to accept this distortion of his factual record "I write what I see!" he declared. "Laetrile is a good palliative drug." He was hounded for doing so, a story Dr Ralph Moss tells in his book, The Cancer Industry. Dr Ralph Moss head of public relations at SMKR protested against this cover-up in numerous ways and he was fired in November, 1977 for "failing to carry out my most basic job responsibility, which means to lie when your boss tells you to".

Sloan-Ketterings motives were clearly revealed in the minutes of a meeting that top officials held on July 2, 1974. The discussions were private and candid. The only reason we know about them is that Representative John Kelsey, of the Michigan House of Representatives, obtained the minutes via a freedom of information act request some years later. The fact that numerous Sloan-Kettering officials were convinced of the effectiveness of amygdalin is obvious, they just weren't sure as to the extent of it's use. But they were not interested in further testing of this natural product. From "World Without Cancer"; The minutes read, quote,

"...Sloan-Kettering is not enthusiastic about studying amygdalin but would like to study CN (cyanide) releasing drugs."

Sloan-Kettering wanted a man-made patentable chemical to mimic the qualities found in amygdalin. That is where the money is. If a very effective cancer treatment or cure was found in the lowly apricot seed, it would spell economic disaster for the cancer industry.

Author Dr Ralph Moss worked at Sloan-Kettering during the amygdalin trials and went public on November 18, 1977, exposing the lies told by Sloan-Kettering about the laetrile/amygdalin trials. He was fired the next day.

Don't believe it? Research it for yourself - visit the references area

Here are their names with a brief synopsis of
their experiments with Laetrile:

Dr. Ernest T. Krebs, Jr. is a biochemist and the researcher who first isolated Laetrile in apricot seeds and also discovered B-15 (pangamic acid, a vitamin which has been proven to be an important adjunctive therapy in the treatment of illnesses related to circulation).

He spent three years in the study of anatomy and medicine at Hahnemann Medical College and then changed his direction and became a doctor of biochemistry. He did undergraduate work at the University of Illinois between 1938-41. He did graduate work at the University of Mississippi and also at the University of California.

By 1950, he had isolated the nutritional factor in crystalline form and named it Laetrile. He tested it on animals to make sure that it was not toxic. He then had to prove that it was not toxic to humans. There was only one thing to do. He rolled up his sleeve and injected Laetrile into his own arm. As he predicted, there were no harmful or distressing side effects.

I find it interesting to note that Dr. Krebs was more than willing to test his theory about Laetrile on himself while cancer doctors and their personnel take great precautions to be sure they themselves are not exposed to the drugs they administer to their cancer victims...I mean patients.

Dr. Krebs authored many scientific papers in his lifetime. He was the recipient of numerous honors and doctorates both at home and abroad. He was the science director of the John Beard Memorial Foundation before his death in 1996.

Dr. Dean Burk, Director of the Cytochemistry Section of the federal government's National Cancer Institute reported that, in a series of tests on animal tissue, the (Laetrile) vitamin B-17 had no harmful effect on normal cells, but was deadly to a cancer cell.

In another series of tests, Dr. Burk reported that Laetrile was responsible for prolonging the life of cancerous rats eighty percent longer than those in the control group that were not inoculated.

Dr. Burk was one of the foremost cancer specialists in the world. He was the recipient of the Gerhard Domagk Award for Cancer Research, the Hillebrand Award of the American Chemical Society, and the Commander Knighthood of the Medical Order of Bethlehem (Rome) founded in 1459 by Pope Pius XI. He held a Ph.D. in biochemistry earned at the University of California.

He was a Fellow of the National Research Council at the University of London, of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Biology, and also Harvard. He was senior chemist at the National Cancer Institute, which he helped establish, and in 1946 became Director of the Cytochemistry Section.

He belonged to eleven scientific organizations, wrote three books relating to chemotherapy research in cancer, and was author or co-author of more than two hundred scientific papers in the field of cell chemistry. He is a biochemist. If Dr. Burk says that Laetrile works, I believe him!

For five years, between 1972 and 1977, Laetrile was meticulously tested at Sloan-Kettering under the direction of Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura.

Dr. Sugiura was the senior laboratory researcher at Sloan-Kettering with over 60 years experience. He had earned the highest respect for his knowledge and integrity. He was the perfect person to conduct experiments since his quest for truth blocked out anything else.

Dr. C. Chester Stock, the man in charge of Sloan-Kettering's laboratory-testing division wrote this about Dr. Sigiura, "Few, if any, names in cancer research are as widely known as Kanematsu Sugiura's… Possibly the high regard in which his work is held is best characterized by a comment made to me by a visiting investigator in cancer research from Russia."

"He said, 'When Dr. Sugiura publishes, we know we don't have to repeat the study, for we would obtain the same results he has reported.'" (Ralph Moss, The Cancer Syndrome, New York: Grove Press, 1980 pg. 258)

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